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Car Cost Index 2022

1 min to readMobility
LeasePlans annual Car Cost Index is a thorough analysis of the Total Cost of Ownership of owning and driving a car in 22 European Countries. Despite the rising energy and fuels prices, it is still advantageous to drive an electric vehicle.
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Still advantageous to drive an electric vehicle

LeasePlan has just released the latest edition of its Car Cost Index, revealing that EVs in nearly every segment and European country are now the same price or cheaper on a TCO (total cost of ownership) basis than petrol or diesel cars, despite rising prices for fuel and electricity.

Tex Gunning, CEO of LeasePlan, said:

“EVs are the best way to protect drivers from skyrocketing fuels costs. Unfortunately, governments are pulling the plug far too early on EV incentives, even in countries with ambitious zero-emission targets. This ‘ban without a plan’ attitude will have disastrous consequences for the fight against climate change. We need consistent, long-term policies that will ensure going EV is the common sense choice for all drivers.”

Read the Car Cost Index 2022

Published at 14 December 2022
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14 December 2022
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