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Latest update on Chinese car manufacturers

2 min to readMobility
A whole new generation of original Chinese car manufacturers – both start-ups and established – are making their way into the European electric car market. They come to Europe to challenge the established electric car manufacturers with their innovative cars and competitive prices. But the Chinese acknowledge that it takes time to gain the trust of the Europeans. At LeasePlan Danmark we’re looking forward to receiving cars from Nio and Xpeng.
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Over the past many years, the Chinese car makes have invested heavily in the development of electric cars, and 2022 is the year in which European customers will have the opportunity to get an electric car from China. Many of these electric cars have unique advantages and are in many ways trendsetters.

Big ambitions through innovation

Many of the Chinese car manufacturers are coming to Europe with great ambitions of competing with the leading electric car manufacturers. In connection with this, they have hired designers, directors and engineers who have experience from the automotive industry, in order to make them as competitive as possible. The Chinese's choice to challenge the leading electric car manufacturers is a logical choice, as their strength lies in producing cars at a lower price.

Besides a low production price, the Chinese car manufacturers are hoping to win many customers through innovation. The Chinese have invested heavily in innovative solutions, and some of their results speak for themselves. Here it is worth mentioning the replaceable battery (you can change the battery all depending on how long your drive is), Blade Battery (a 50% smaller battery, but more durable), and the establishment of Coffee 01, a new battery for plugin-hybrids with an expected range of 150 km on a full charge.

Acknowledge challenges

Despite their innovative solutions and low production price, the Chinese car manufacturers acknowledge the challenges there are by making their way into the European market. The establishment of a strong brand recognition will be important, as many European customers will have to be persuaded into investing in Chinese electric cars. A way to potentially overcome this, is by offering guarantees on the cars and/or the batteries. But that is not enough, because customers have to be sure that a large network and spare parts are available. This includes online service, spare parts, garages, and rental cars if their car is at a garage. This will take time, but some of the car manufacturers are looking into collaborations with other European manufacturers, and thereby from the beginning, try to increase the trust with the customers.

The trust from the European customers is not gained easily, and it requires investments, know-how, and the right certifications. Earlier attempts to move into the European markets by Chinese car manufacturers have not always gone exactly as planned, but there’s not doubt, that thanks to their innovative solutions and competitive prices, they have greater chance of success this time.

If you want read more about the Chinese car manufacturers, follow the link below.

Published at 25 May 2022
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25 May 2022
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