Tax calculator for company cars
Calculate the tax for your company car
Do you use your company car for private journeys too? Then use our tax calculator to find out how much tax you have to pay on this non-cash benefit.
In the “Total Deductions” field you can see the calculation of net deductions from your salary that you can expect in respect of your company car. Click on “?” for explanations about each data entry field.
The tax calculator was developed by the tax professionals at the Lampertheim publishing company, which specialises in tax and legal publications, and it is updated regularly.
What is the 1% flat-rate tax on company cars used privately?
Every month, 1% of the gross list price for your company car, including all accessories and without any discounts, is deducted from your taxable income. The actual value of second-hand vehicles or vehicles which have already been written off for tax purposes is not taken into account. This is your non-cash benefit.
Tax relief on electric and certain hybrid vehicles (cf. section 3 of the German Electromobility Act, EmoG) was introduced on 1 January 2019 for cars provided or registered to employees for the first time. The non-cash benefit is reduced by half, which also reduces the tax liability for private use of the company car. Also, the taxation rate for all electric models with a gross list price of up to € 70,000 is ionly 0.25%.
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