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A new leader for better mobility is born. ALD Automotive | LeasePlan are now Ayvens.

Self-service for drivers

You do the driving, we do the rest!

Why LeasePlan?

  • World leader in car-as-a-service
  • Over 50 years experience in 30 countries
  • Tailored fleet management solutions to fit your strategy and budget

Your fleet is our priority

Fleet management made easy, so you can focus on what’s next: driving your business forward.

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Our latest news
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Safety and comfort of own cars and eLCVs are in focus in the "New Normal"

The Covid-19 crisis has shown us how unthinkable events can change the world overnight. Since the b…
February 02, 2021 - 2 min to read

LeasePlan donated cars and fuel cards to the local governments and recruited volunteers t…

LeasePlan donated cars and fuel cards to the local governments who are deeply affected by the Coron…
May 06, 2020 - 5 min to read

Drive safely, even on empty roads

The measures introduced to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus include avoiding all non-essentia…
April 07, 2020 - 2 min to read

A jövő járgányai

Egyre látványosabb az önjáró autók térnyerése, és folyamatosan dolgoznak a jogi és műszaki dilemmák…
November 29, 2018 - 3 min to read

App tippek autóval nyaralóknak

Nyáron a legtöbben alig várjuk, hogy elérkezzen a vakáció i…
August 01, 2018 - 1 min to read