DriversCheck app
The "DriversCheck" app is not yet installed on your smartphone
Download the "DriversCheck" smartphone app for all common smartphone operating systems free of charge from the respective app shop. You will receive your access data for this from DriversCheck by email.
As soon as you have downloaded the app to your smartphone, you can access it directly from our My LeasePlan driver app.
This is how “DriversCheck” works:
The electronic driver's license check is carried out via the "DriversCheck" app. The heart of the driver's licence control are small "ID tags" in the form of QR codes that are attached to your driver's license and then scanned in using the "DriversCheck" app during the driver's license check. The check is usually carried out twice a year. At this point you will receive an email with all further information.
On Drivermonitor (only available in German) you will find video and brief instructions as well as an overview of your control status.
If you have technical problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at fsk.de@leaseplan.com.