Welcome to LeasePlan Customer Services
Whether you already have your lease car or you’re thinking of ordering one, we’re only a click or phone call away
Once you’ve made the important decision of what car to choose, it’s important you feel supported and know where you can get any help or advice where required. Whether you need to sort out a repair or get your vehicle serviced, we’re here to help you.
LeasePlan App & Portal
Did you know that as a LeasePlan driver you can get all the support you need through our mobile app or portal? This includes:
- Booking your next service
- Arranging a tyre or glass replacement
- Reporting an accident
- Information relating to your car and contract and much, much more
To access the portal simply select the below link. The app can be found on the App Store, Google Play and Windows Store by searching for LeasePlan UK. If you haven’t yet received your login details for the app or portal please let us know.
If you’re eligible for a company car but haven’t yet decided what car you would like to select then please click on the link below to access our quote and ordering website.
Remember, we sometimes have lease vehicles returned early from other Telefónica drivers, for example, when they leave the business. When this happens many employees prefer to order a ‘re-allocation’ car as Telefónica allows eligible company car takers to ‘trade up’ one grade above their current benchmark vehicle for no extra Personal Use Contribution (PUC). For example, if you’re a PCGU grade you could obtain a PCGT valued vehicle at no extra cost. This is subject to the availability of cars on the re-allocation list. If you would like to see what vehicles are currently available on the re-allocation list please open the documents below:
If you have any questions you can contact us by:
Email – telefonica@leaseplan.co.uk Phone – 0344 371 8377
Re-allocation List
Motor Insurance Certificate (Main) 2017 - 2018 Download file
Telefonica Europe 2018 Motor Insurance Certificate (Main) Download file
Reallocation List - 15.09.23 Download file