Looking for the perfect balance between your strategic goals and your fleet?
Find out in only 5 minutes
Does your current fleet management match your company’s strategic objectives? Which areas are you focused on and is this reflected in your car policy:
• Happier drivers? • Better cost control? • Lower environmental impact? • Or a combination?
The Fleet Balance tool helps you to find the right focus, balancing people, planet and profit, and identifying the level of support you want from your leasing company.
In only 5 minutes Fleet Balance helps to get clarity on your strategic fleet objectives regarding people, planet and profit. If the outcome made you curious to learn more, we offer a gap analysis between this strategic direction and the way your fleet management is set up today. This is done in a 1-hour session with a LeasePlan advisor or with your account manager.
Based on the gap-analyses you find out where you stand today and what it will take to align your fleet management with your company objectives. And the best part, we offer all this for free. Make it Match!
Want to see how this works?
Start balancing today?
You can start balancing your fleet today by using the tool online. Already LeasePlan client LeasePlan? Then your account manager can tell you more and set up a meeting to do the analyses together.