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Public charging: The do's and don’ts

2 min to readSustainability
Public charging stations are fantastic resources. In just half an hour, they can charge most EV models back up to 80%. But if you’re new to EV driving, you might not know the etiquette around charging in public spaces.
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Don’t worry – we’re here to explain what you should do … and what you shouldn’t!

Do … take care of the charging point

Like any fuelling station, you should leave it in good condition. That means putting the connector back when you’re finished and not creating any trip hazards. If something is wrong with the equipment, report this in your charging app or contact the charging station administrator immediately.

Don’t … hog the charger

Charging your vehicle to 80% takes around half an hour. The final 20% also takes half an hour. Chasing those final percentage points is a poor use of your time, and the time of other road users, so don’t keep using the charger after you’ve reached 80%. Besides, overcharging is a bad idea in general: it raises the risk of your battery overheating. So don’t be selfish! Take the charge you need, then free up the charging point for others.

Do … consider using a Happy Charger badge

LeasePlan’s Happy Charger badge is a way of showing courtesy at charging stations. You simply place the orange badge inside your windshield and indicate when you’re back. This speeds things up for everyone and encourages mutual respect. Which brings us to something you should definitely avoid!

Don’t … treat the charging station as a parking space!

We’ve saved the worst for last. It’s one thing to leave your car charging for too long, but hogging the space without even using the charger is inexcusable! If you’re not using the charger, park somewhere else. It’s that simple.

For more tips on driving an EV, click here.

Car charging on the street

Our net-zero commitment

LeasePlan is leading the transition to zero-emission mobility and has set itself the goal to achieve net-zero tailpipe emissions from its funded fleet by 2030. As a founding member of the EV100 – a global initiative of forward-looking companies committed to accelerating the transition to EVs – sustainable mobility is at the heart of everything we do.

Published at September 21, 2022
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September 21, 2022
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