What is included in FlexiPlan?
How do I contact LeasePlan for questions regarding FlexiPlan? Call our switchboard at **08-470 26 00** or send an email to [minbil@leaseplan.se](targetSelf:mailto:minbil@leaseplan.se?subject=minbil%40leaseplan.se "minbil@leaseplan.se").How do I get a fuel card to my FlexiPlan car? Please make a note in the [request form](targetSelf:/-/media/leaseplan-digital/se/documents/requestforrentalcar.pdf?rev=e7cd369c9d654f44983718315323ecc3). Fuel cards are distributed after the car has been delivered. We can supply charge card if it is in the contract. Fuel cards can also be requested to [fuel@leaseplan.se](targetSelf:mailto:fuel@leaseplan.se). Please let us know type of fuel card, registration number (= reference number) and from which date.How do I order a FlexiPlan car? Download the form ”[Request for rental car](targetSelf:/-/media/leaseplan-digital/se/documents/requestforrentalcar.pdf?rev=e7cd369c9d654f44983718315323ecc3)”, fill in details and have it signed by Fleet manager. Then mail to [minbil@leaseplan.se](targetSelf:mailto:minbil@leaseplan.se). The driver will be contacted for further delivery details.How do I report congestions charge? Congestions charge is invoiced monthly to the complany and can not be reported in MyFleet. On Transportstyrelsens web portal you can download your congestion charge and time for passage that you then can share with your Fleet Manager.How do I report km? Login to Driver Portal/ [MyLeasePlan](targetSelf:https://auth.leaseplan.com/u/login/identifier?state=hKFo2SB3eFVHZU5GeXlhLWg2V1loSUZidGpQTW1uU3JQdE9icaFur3VuaXZlcnNhbC1sb2dpbqN0aWTZIHU0TWF3RmZqUmNFWTI5dk8ybGIyenM2WTRxX24tcExRo2NpZNkgTjVZNmc3dFVPQzdjS3FhR2J0clVUUUcxcFZoY0xkSjA) och follow instructions. Your cars registration number = reference number.How do I return my FlexiPlan car? Contact [minbil@leaseplan.se](targetSelf:mailto:minbil@leaseplan.se) and let us know site, date, contact person and timeframe - 2 hrs prior to the return. After that we will come back with a confirmation. Please use the [return form](targetSelf:https://myfleet.leaseplan.se/en/page/vehicle-return-form). It is possible to return the car directly at the compound in Södertälje, Klastorpsvägen 30 (TC Företagen) after confirmaiton. Any damage needs to be reported before return. The car is returned fully fuled or charged.How do I shift to winter-/ summer tyres? Login to Driver Portal/ [MyLeasePlan](targetSelf:https://auth.leaseplan.com/u/login/identifier?state=hKFo2SB3eFVHZU5GeXlhLWg2V1loSUZidGpQTW1uU3JQdE9icaFur3VuaXZlcnNhbC1sb2dpbqN0aWTZIHU0TWF3RmZqUmNFWTI5dk8ybGIyenM2WTRxX24tcExRo2NpZNkgTjVZNmc3dFVPQzdjS3FhR2J0clVUUUcxcFZoY0xkSjA) and choose ”Tyres” – where you find current storage location. You need to book a time for shift with the tyre shop.How much does a FlexiPlan car cost? Our selection of brands and models as well as prices can be found in our [Showroom](targetSelf:https://www.leaseplan.com/en-se/business/showroom/?popularFilters=3703460a-ee11-4692-a8e7-53c345adf402). May I take over my colleagues FlexiPlan car? Yes you can, the Fleet Manager sends the [change form](targetSelf:/-/media/leaseplan-digital/se/documents/change-form.pdf?rev=c2eccc3d337846c5a49b74bd260d7618) to [minbil@leaseplan.se](targetSelf:mailto:minbil@leaseplan.se). The current rental will be terminated and a new contract is signed with the new driver.My FlexiPlan car has been damaged, what do I do? Report a damage claim at [Skador | LeasePlan Sverige](targetSelf:/en-se/driver-services/damage/). All damage needs to be reported immediately after the damage have occurred or been detected, but at latest before the car is returned.My FlexiPlan car needs service, what do I do? You can book service at [Driver Portal/ MyLeasePlan](targetSelf:https://myfleetinternational.leaseplan.com/en/page/myfleet-country-selector?iss=https%3A%2F%2Fauth.leaseplan.com%2F) or call **08 470 26 00** and select in the menu to reach service booking. LeasePlan may contact you to schedule a service if needed. What do I do with my current car if I switch to FlexiPlan? Fill in the [return form](targetSelf:https://myfleet.leaseplan.se/en/page/vehicle-return-form) and send to [begbil@leaseplan.se](targetSelf:mailto:begbil@leaseplan.se).What is the reference number? All FlexiPlan cars have a reference number which is a fictional registration number. If the real car has, for example. reg.nr *ABC123* then the reference number is *123ABC*. In [Driver Portal/ ](targetSelf:https://myfleetinternational.leaseplan.com/en/page/myfleet-country-selector?iss=https%3A%2F%2Fauth.leaseplan.com%2F)[MyLeasePlan](targetSelf:https://myfleetinternational.leaseplan.com/en/page/myfleet-country-selector?iss=https%3A%2F%2Fauth.leaseplan.com%2F) the car is shown with the reference number.Where do I pick up my FlexiPlan car? Our compound is located in Södertälje (TC Företagen), where you can pick up the car. Also we can arrange with drop-off to home or work address. A delivery fee may be charged for this.