Safety and comfort of own cars and eLCVs are in focus in the "New Normal"

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The Covid-19 crisis has shown us how unthinkable events can change the world overnight. Since the beginning of the pandemic, borders have closed, planes stopped flying, and entire countries went into different phases of lockdown. All social norms that society took for granted for decades suddenly changed, and we are now living in a "New Normal" that has fundamentally altered the way the world thinks about a range of topics, including mobility.
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Amid these unprecedented circumstances, LeasePlan is publishing it’s annual Mobility Insights Report (formerly the LeasePlan Mobility Monitor). The Insights Report is a comprehensive survey of driver opinion regarding the most important subjects facing the industry, produced in partnership with leading research firm Ipsos. This year, the survey was conducted across 22 countries. This first edition looks at ‘the New Normal’, probing driver opinion of how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we think about mobility, including: how respondents now prefer to travel, how they feel about their role in fighting climate change, as well as the role of delivery vehicles (or LCVs) in towns and cities given the recent boom in online shopping.


Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, respondents across all 22 countries have become much less likely to use public transportation (65%), and **more likely to use their own private car (76%). **


Most respondents (79%) say the pandemic has made them more aware of the safety and comfort of having their own vehicle.


More than half of respondents (53%) say they** take climate change more seriously** as a global threat since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. For many (47%), this increased awareness has made them much more likely to switch to a zero-emission electric vehicle in the future in order to reduce their own carbon footprint and maintain the improved air quality experienced at the beginning of the pandemic.


Since the beginning of the pandemic, respondents are more likely to use online shopping and opt for home delivery for discretionary spending (47%), bolstering demand for LCV and electric LCV (eLCV) delivery vehicles.


Many respondents (47%) are worried about increased congestion and pollution from delivery vehicles post- Covid-19 – but the solution is clear: a vast majority (61%) of delivery drivers are willing to share their LCVs with other businesses to reduce congestion, as well as switch to zero-emission electric LCVs (75%) to reduce pollution.

“LCVs have never been more important: any retail company that wants to be successful in the New Normal will require a fleet of LCVs to meet the booming demand for online shopping and last-mile delivery. But this demand has to be met responsibly, and concerns about congestion and pollution from delivery vehicles need to be addressed. The good news is that OEMs are making more electric delivery vehicles than ever before, so in 2021 there’s no excuse not to swap the white van for a green van and make each and every delivery zero-emission.”

Mark LovettHead of Commercial Vehicles

“This report is a wake-up call for the industry: shared mobility and public transport is out, and safe and clean private transport is in. At the same time, drivers are more eco-conscious than ever, with nearly half ready to go electric and preserve the cleaner air we all experienced at the beginning of the pandemic. Policymakers in every one of the 22 countries surveyed need to listen up and respond to this demand by investing in long-term EV incentives and charging infrastructure. Everyone should have the ability to go electric and play their part in making 2021 the greenest year ever for road transportation.”

Tex GunningLeasePlan CEO
Published at February 2, 2021
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February 2, 2021
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