
My LeasePlan

All the care of your car at your fingertips

Discover the updated My LeasePlan app

My LeasePlan is a personalized application that displays information of your vehicle and its lease. With a more user-friendly structure and modern technology, it makes all the daily actions associated with your leased vehicle even easier for you.

You can visit your My LeasePlan account via computer or download the app to your smartphone.

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The My LeasePlan application is at your service 24/7

Through the My LeasePlan application you can:

Note: In case you are already using the My LeasePlan app, first you have to delete it and then download the updated app from the Apple Store or Play Store.

  1. I have asked for a new password, but do not receive any email, why?

    The reason might be that we have another email address in our system than the one you are using. Please contact us for verification and adjustment.

  2. I have forgotten my password, what should I do?

    Click on the button “Don’t remember your password?” and then fill your email in the field. You will receive a link in your email with instructions how to create a new password.

  3. I have a problem logging into the app from my smartphone, what is the problem?

    It might be that there is an extra space in your email at the login, which is common when using a phone from Samsung. Please remove the extra space and try again.

  4. I have a technical problem with the app, what should I do?

    Please send us a detailed description and if possible, a screenshot of the problem.

  5. I don’t have my new registration number in the app, why?

    If you have changed car, both cars can be active under a period. You can change registration number in the square up to the right on the web page. It might be that you then have to logoff and logon again for the update.

  6. What is my password to the app?

    If you are a Fleet Manager, then the password is the same as My Fleet. If you are a driver you have to follow the instructions from the question “I have forgotten my password, what should I do?”

  7. Where can I download the app?

    You can download it on Google Play (Android) or in App Store (iPhone). Search for My LeasePlan.

Would you like to access My LeasePlan?

We will contact you within five working days!