
Making a difference for drivers? mental health

2 min to readDriving
While it’s often easy to see if someone is physically ill or injured, spotting mental health difficulties is much harder – especially as many people will say they’re fine, even if they’re not.
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Putting mental health first

For companies, this can present a challenge. Recent research suggests that up to one in five drivers have poor mental health, with a third of them suggesting work is a contributing factor.[1] You have a responsibility to help them, and you want to as well. They're your friends and colleagues, after all.

Doing this also supports the bottom line, as stress and other mental health problems can lead to more incidents and accidents, downtime and sick leave.

CALM conversations

We want to help you have conversations with your drivers about the challenges they face, so we have included a CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) pack in the LeasePlan Driver Pack we provide to all the vehicles we have on the road - almost 70,000 at the last count.

This is a continuation of work we have done for our own employees where we have introduced a team of mental health first aiders to support everyone's wellbeing and act as advocates to the wider community. They increase awareness and help people find support - both internally and externally.

Paul Kirby, Head of Commercial Vehicles LeasePlan UK, comments

"Commercial vehicles are critical to our customers' businesses - and when there's a problem with a van, most would get it checked out straight away by a technician. But what about the driver? If they are sick due to stress or poor mental health, the cost can be even greater. We encourage fleet managers to keep drivers at the heart of their business, which includes urging drivers to be aware of the signs and symptoms of stress, and to talk to someone if they need to. After all, a problem shared is a problem halved."

Other resources

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[1] Source: Mercedes Benz survey of 2000 drivers, 2017.

Published at 20 July 2021
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20 July 2021
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