Article 14
Notification of claims processing
We are sending you this notice to inform you that we have received information about you.
LeasePlan Danmark A/S and Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S have received information about damage to a vehicle.
The insurance case is processed by Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S, and we have received information about you for use in the case.
In accordance with the rules on the protection of personal data in Article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), when we receive information about you from others, we are required to provide you with various other information.
The information we need to give you is as follows:
- 1.Data controller – how do you contact us?
- 2.Contact details of the Data Protection Officer
- 3.The purposes and basis for the processing of your personal data
- 4.What personal data do we process for this purpose?
- 5.How did we obtain your personal data?
- 6.Who do we share this personal data with?
- 7.Transfer to recipients in other countries
- 8.Storing your personal data
- 9.Your rights
- 10.Complaining to the Danish Data Protection Agency
The information we have compiled below is an extract from our privacy policy.
You can therefore also find the information here.
This is for informational purposes only, and you do not need to take any action, but you may be contacted by Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the email address below.
Kind regards
Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S skade@autoch.dk
4.8.1. Data controllers and communication with you.Data controllers and the collaboration: LeasePlan Danmark A/S and Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S collaborate on claims for vehicles. The claim is processed by LeasePlan Danmark during our claims management for, among other things, repair of the damage and settlement of damage costs. When there is also a question regarding insurance cover, the insurance case will be handled by our claims handler, Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S.
Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S is part of the Euro Insurances DAC group. Our Data Privacy Office can be contacted via this link. Alternatively, you can contact our head office: LeasePlan Corporation N.V., attn. Data Protection Officer, Gustav Mahlerlaan 360, 1082 ME Amsterdam, Holland.
4.8.2. The purposes and basis for the processing of personal dataWhat does this purpose entail? We process your data by registering and administering accidents that you and/or your vehicle may have been involved in, in order to restore mobility and manage claims.
LeasePlan Danmark A/S processes your data in order to (i) give you the opportunity to report accidents to our customer service, (ii) provide roadside assistance and/or provide a spare car if necessary, (iii) arrange repair and other necessary follow-up, (iv) pass on information to Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S if there is an insurance case. This processing of data is based on our provision of the services and fulfillment of lease agreements, as well as our agreement with Euro Insurance DAC to facilitate insurance and provide service in case of claims (General Data Protection Regula-tion, Art. 6(1)(b) and (c). We may also use personal data to assess the repairs in accordance with our claims management and excess rules insofar as we have a reasonable interest in processing this information (General Data Protection Regulation, Art. 6(1)(f).
Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S processes your data in order to (i) process insurance cases as a result of claims for vehicles insured by Euro Insurance DAC, (ii) gather information for use in insurance cases and contact the driver of the vehicle, counterparties and witnesses to incidents, (iii) obtain information about incidents from authorities, including police reports (iv) .... (**) This processing of data is based on our agreement with Euro Insurance DAC to process their insurance cases in Denmark and thus the insurance contract that has been signed with the insured and which is the basis for the claims processing (General Data Protection Regulation, Art. 6(1)(b) and (c). The processing is therefore also justified by the legal obligation Euro Insurance DAC has as an insurance company to handle claims and pay compensation and the legitimate interest that follows to process the data of the persons and witnesses involved (General Data Protection Regulation, Art. 6(1)(f).
What personal data do we process for this purpose? For this purpose, we collect the following personal data:
From ourselves: Number plate, make and model, service history and operational contact with you.
From you: Name, contact details, information about the car, accidents and damage/injuries, pictures from accidents, date of birth, number of passengers in the car, information from any witnesses to accidents and other information that you choose to provide in relation to the accident (e.g. information about any personal injury). This information includes general personal data, but may also include sensitive personal data such as health data.
From third parties, i.e. persons involved in the accident or insurance companies: Information about third parties involved in the accident/incident (the identity of your passengers, drivers and passengers of third-party cars and other third parties involved), information about other third parties (such as witnesses, police etc.), insurance information, information about the incident and third-party claims. This information includes general personal data, but may also include sensitive personal data such as health data.
From authorities (such as the police): Name, address, registration number, information relating to the accident, police reports and wit-ness statements. This information includes general personal data, but may also include sensitive personal data such as health data, offences, fines and criminal convictions.
How did we obtain your personal data? We receive the personal data from (i) our customers at LeasePlan Danmark A/S and Euro Insurances DAC, who may also be your employer, (ii) from the drivers of vehicles who have collected information at the scene of the claim, (iii) from the report of the damage (iv) from police reports (v) from counterparties and their insurance companies and (vi) publicly available sources.
Who do we share your personal data with? We share this information with our customer (your employer) through our tool MyFleet. We may also share certain information with dealers and workshops, repair shops, fitters and insurance companies (which may be both affiliated and third-party insurers) and professional experts working on our behalf or on behalf of third parties (e.g. lawyers, investigators etc.) for the purpose of assessing damage or claims, responding to requests for information from authorities, including the police. See also section 5 on 'Disclosure of information to third parties' in our Privacy Declaration.
Transfer to recipients in other countries: We share information with Euro Insurances DAC in Ireland as an insurance company, including for claims payments. This may include personal data such as name, number plate and course of events.
4.8.3 Storing your personal dataHow long do we keep personal data? Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S stores personal data while the claim is pending and as long as it is relevant to the insurance case or Euro Insurances DAC and/or Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S, or is included in documentation, including for compensation payments and other statutory documentation. LeasePlan Danmark A/S stores personal data during the processing of the claims case for identification by customer contact, and to the extent that the claim case is relevant to the insurance contract or lease agreement or LeasePlan Danmark A/S. The time period depends on the nature of the personal data. See also section 7 on 'Security and Retention' of our Privacy Declaration.
4.8.4 Your rightsWhat rights do I have and can I complain? You have the right to inspect the data that we process about you, and you have the right to have incorrect information about yourself corrected. In certain cases, you also have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted and, in special cases, the right to have data about you deleted. See more about your rights in section 9 on 'Your Rights and Contact with Us' of our Privacy Declaration.
In Denmark, you can complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency. You can find the Danish Data Protection Agency’s contact details at www.datatilsynet.dk. Here you can also find the Danish Data Protection Agency's guidance on the rights of data subjects.
The supervisory authority for LeasePlan Danmark A/S and Auto Claim Handling Danmark A/S is the Financial Supervisory Authority in the Netherlands.