A turquoise car connected to an EV charger

World EV Day 2020

2 min to readNews
LeasePlan today calls on governments around the world to get their act together and deliver on public demand for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. This call to action comes ahead of World EV Day, a worldwide campaign aimed at accelerating the transition to zero emission electric vehicles around the world.
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Tex Gunning, CEO of LeasePlan, said:

“LeasePlan and our customers want to move faster towards EVs, but the lack of sufficient charging infrastructure globally is a major road block. Governments around the world must step up now and deliver on demand for zero-emission mobility by investing in a comprehensive public charging infrastructure, and incentivizing private charging stations in homes and offices. This is no time to sugar-coat it: this lack of action is holding us back. Only if governments get their act together on charging infrastructure will we be able to meet our climate commitments, clean up our dirty air and build back better. We all need to speak up so now that the new normal can be a green normal.”

Sustainability focus

LeasePlan has committed itself to achieving net zero emissions from its total fleet by 2030. LeasePlan is also a founding partner of The Climate Group’s EV100 initiative, launched around the UN General Assembly in September 2017 to promote EV uptake among the world’s largest companies. Key highlights of LeasePlan’s sustainability strategy include:

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Published at September 8, 2020
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September 8, 2020
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